Sunday, February 16, 2014

So I Joined the Blog Crew!

So a lot of my friends have blogs, and I thought I would never get one, but... it seems a lot easier than journaling everything. And we've had some comical things happen and its hard to put a long story on Facebook with pictures, so blogging here I come!

So I guess to start off, We've been married for 3 months... but it feels a lot longer than that most of the time. We get along great most of the time... occasionally we do get annoyed with each other. It's kind of fun learning to figure out how marriage works. I thought everyone's marriage was rainbows and butterflies, but i've learned that most married couple do get in fights and do get annoyed so I kinda feel better about it. We just moved to Logan, Utah a few weeks ago so Michael can finish going to school at Utah State. He's working at five-guys and at the campus security dispatch and i'm working at Logan Home Health and hopefully soon at the hospital in Logan. I'm almost done with my bachelors from BYU-I, i'm just finishing up the last bit of classes online. I can't wait to be done!!

Something i've learned since being married is I love cooking dinner. I'm sure that will change after months and months of doing it, but right now I really enjoy it. My parents always wanted me to learn to cook at home before I left for college, but I really like the whole calling them right before I make it to get instructions method, or calling them while at the store to know what to get method. It works great, and i'm sure they love it.

Heres some pics from our wedding and since we've been married :)

This was breakfast Michael made me the first day back to the burg after being married

Fun Story: Michael was tickling my feet and I accidentally kneed him in the face and chipped his tooth... The next morning he was trying poking me, and trying to pick my nose and other annoying things to get on my nerves, and I attempted to block him and knocked the cereal all over him... which I thought was just as good. We no longer do things like this at the breakfast table ;)

Date night to Hunger Games

Michael made dinner and got me roses for our 1 month.. It was so so so sweet and I wasn't expecting it at all. Just had it all set up while I was at work.

Our friend Koryn had a Christmas party and her little girl decided to join our family pic at the photo booth.